Polyester Yarn manufacturers in China produce a range of different polyester yarns. These yarns are used in a variety of applications such as fabrics, embroidery and label printing. They are also sometimes used to make packaging materials such as bottles, plastic bags, and detergents.
These yarns are generally sold to fabric and textile companies in China, but they can also be exported to other countries. They are mainly used in woven and knitted textiles, but they can also be found in other items such as carpets, curtains, and rugs.
Several of these yarns are available from a variety of polyester yarn manufacturers in China, and they can be customized to meet the specific needs of their customers. Some of the most common types of polyester yarns are textured yarns, and you can find these in many different colors and patterns.
Textured Yarn (TY) - This is a type of polyester yarn that has been twisted and drawn, giving it a very unique look. It is often used in woven and knitted fabrics to create a variety of looks and textures.
This is the most commonly seen type of polyester yarn and it is typically a good choice for customers who are looking to get a unique look for their products. It is also a good choice for those who are looking to add color and pattern to their products, as it is easy to dye with a range of different colors.
Drawn Textured Yarns (DTY) - These are another popular type of polyester yarn that is made by twisting and drawing together a polyester filament. They can be used to create a variety of products including clothing, home decorations, seat covers and bags.
They are also known for their tensile strength and softness, making them a great choice for apparel designers. They are also incredibly durable and are resistant to chemicals, which is another reason why they are so popular in the garment industry.
A lot of these yarns are available from a wide range of polyester yarn manufacturers in China, and they are all manufactured to very high standards. Some of the most common yarns produced by these companies include a range of textured and dope-dyed fibers.
Besides these, there are several other kinds of polyester yarns available as well. These yarns can be used for a wide range of purposes, and they can even be mixed with other fibers to increase their durability.
Some of the most common polyester yarns include a range of textured and dope-dyed yarns, as well as non-textured and plain-dyed yarns. These yarns can be used to create a variety of different looks and are incredibly durable, which is why they are so popular in the garment industry.
Devika Fibers is a well-known polyester yarn manufacturer in India and one of the most prominent exporters of textured yarns worldwide. They produce a variety of textured polyester yarns, and are known for their exceptional quality and reliable customer service.